Friday, January 30, 2009

Road trip!

Good gracious, a week certainly does fly by quickly, doesn't it?

Well, my self-imposed vacation is all over and I've been busy catching up on the many lovely orders I've had waiting for me in Le Shop. I see some quite lovely packages heading out to some of you gals from your sweethearts! And I'm so very glad to be a part of spreading a bit of joy and love and beauty across the globe.

Speaking of joy and beauty across the globe, I will be taking a short trek to Tucson, Arizona this coming week! There's the illustrious gem faire being held all month long and I have decided this year to take the plunge and head on out there, at least for a few days. I'm looking forward to taking in some glorious gemstones, silver, classes and general jewelry-goodness. I'll be going with my great friend and fellow Etsy Jewelry Artist Laurel Peters of LaValleyGirly. She's a dear sweet friend and we shall have the best adventures driving our way out to the desert!
(I'll be sure to take some pictures - Arizona is shockingly beautiful. Who knew piles of rocks and sand could be so devastatingly gorgeous?)

At any rate, I am certain that my little trip to Arizona will mark the beginning of some new pieces to appear in the shop. I've been a bit preoccupied with non-jewelry-life things and have a terrible itch to create some new goodies for the shop. Hopefully things will settle down a bit and I'll be able to get things in the shop.

Hope you've all had a lovely week.



Jenn said...

Hi, I just stumbled upon your Etsy shop and fell madly in love, so I thought I would stop by over here and leave you a little comment to say so. Your designs are gorgeous and I can't wait until I scrape together a bit of money to treat myself... though it will be hard to choose! Enjoy your vacation and I look forward to seeing what's new in your shop over the next little while. :)

Jeweled Blossoms said...

Hi Jenn!

Thank you for your very kind words :) It's always nice to see the people who peruse my shop. I'll look forward to sending you something lovely!

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday :)
